
I remove mac advanced cleaner
I remove mac advanced cleaner

i remove mac advanced cleaner

Sudo rm -R "/Applications/_MACOSX/Advanced Mac Cleaner.app/" Sudo rm -R "/Applications/Mac Adware Cleaner.app/" Sudo rm -R "/Applications/Mac Ads Cleaner.app/" Sudo rm -R "/Users/$3/Desktop/Advanced Mac Cleaner.app/" Sudo rm -R "/Applications/Advanced Mac Cleaner.app/" Anyone want to tackle at making it a bit better or refer me to something that already does this, that doesn't require installing an app like malwarebytes? I setup a smart group searching for the app(s), then have a policy run this script.

i remove mac advanced cleaner

It's based on where I've found the files and what's been reported known in the past. It's a pretty extensive list of know files and directories and still growing.

i remove mac advanced cleaner

The thought is if they are there they'll get deleted, if not the line just errors out. The script could use some help, it kind of works but because of my lack of expertise I have it doing an "rm -R" on every known directory and an "rm" on the known files whether they exist or not. It's great don't get me wrong, we'd just prefer to do this the silent way. There been no easy clean up without installing a 3rd party app, which brings a set of it's own problems. Users are getting malicious adware messages because of AMC with no means to clean the computer up. AMC has really become a pain since deploying Palo Alto Traps software. I'm pounding out a very basic script to delete the various versions of Advanced Mac Cleaner.

I remove mac advanced cleaner